Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm still here.

Oh sweet friends, its been a while.

I suppose the updates haven't been on my mind as of late. August was a whirlwind, to say the least. I touched down in every single state in the SEC (Plus D.C.) in the span of 2 weeks, and a week later, found myself in a new home in Jacksonville, FL. I suppose I just can't stay away from the coast.

After camp, I made the trip home and spent a lovely two weeks with my family and the best girlfriends (Plus Brian) in the entire world. Goodness I missed these guys. There is something to be said for the friends you can be totally comfortable around; those who will go in public with you in janky clothes, lay by the pool and plan your non-existant weddings with, and those you can talk politics with as though your opinion actually matters. What a soul refresher it was. Sigh...

So here I am. My first big girl job is underway. I suppose I ought to be a little more intimidated than I am. After all, I'm a part (albiet, a rather small, bottom of the totem pole, insignificant part) of one of the most critical presidential races in modern history. I'm in a very large, very unfamiliar town. I'm living completely alone for the first time in my life. Its often quiet...luckily, I'm quite the introvert. Maybe I'm better suited for this lifestyle than I knew.

I'm happy though. I'm 21 years old (22 a month from today!), and I'm in a field I absolutely adore. Just a week ago, I came face to face with Mitt Romney. I didn't even step on his toe this time...another story for another day. I work with college students and spend my days in a fast paced office run by some truly passionate, awesome people. At the end of the day, I'm being paid to do the things I did for fun in college. What more could a girl possible ask for?

Disclaimer: No toes were harmed in the taking of this photograph.
I'm tired, but I'm content. The Lord is here. I feel him constantly. Fully. I suppose his presence is what drives out the fear that should be here. He has called me here, for such a time as this. What a grand thought it is!


  1. Glad you found my blog so that I could find yours today! Sounds like you've got quite an exciting life! Wow! How wonderful to be doing something that you indeed. I hope your weekend is spectacular Tay! Nice to "meet" you!

  2. Thanks for dropping by! It most certainly is a gift...I'm often still shocked that this is real. Hope your hubby is feeling better! So nice "meeting" you too!
