Monday, October 28, 2013

Grace on Grace

When our world gets rocked, it happens so quickly. 

Last Saturday, I finished working a fundraiser and decided to run across town to pick up a birthday present for my sister. In an instant, the airbag in my Jeep exploded in my face. Smoke. Screams. Fear. 

I'm not sure how it happened. I know it was my fault. I struggle to remember how I hit another car so hard and so fast, with enough force to destroy my car and push it into two others. 

At this point, I must assure you that I am ok. I walked away with cuts, scrapes and a broken foot; thankfully, my injuries were the worst of anyone involved. Looking back on the photos, I can see how very, very lucky I was to walk away. 

The Lord has been so gracious to provide all I could need following the accident. I am so grateful to live close to my family. I have spent the week in my old room at my parent's house. My grandfather and my mom have chauffeured me all over town in the last week, and will continue to do so until I am cleared to drive again (hopefully the end of the week. fingers crossed!) 

If you've been praying, allow my to express my sincere gratitude. If you are one who visited, called, or went out of your way to provide a ride, I want to thank you as well. If nothing else, I have learned how incredibly blessed I am by those who love me. 

Continue to lift me up in prayer as I return to work this week. I need the energy to give everything I have, every second of every day. I have quite a bit of ground to make up. I should probably go ahead and get moving on that...

Let me know how I can lift you up in prayer this week!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

One More Time

For nearly a year, I've been silent. I suppose that's fitting.

I haven't had much to say. I haven't heard much in the last year. I have no one to blame for this but myself. The silence has begun to take its toll. 

I'm but a few minutes shy of my 23rd birthday. Looking back, my 22nd year has likely been the most spiritually dark of my life. I need to go back to where I was when I was near Him. When we walked together. When I ached for His presence and couldn't take a step unless He walked beside me. 

May 23 bring a year filled to the measure of every bit of the abundant life Christ can offer. May 22 never be seen again.