Sunday, July 31, 2011

I’m sending these updates from my iPhone, and it’s kind of a pain, so for the time being you’ll be getting the bare minimum. The Lord is already rocking my world, and I’ve hardly been here 24 hours. Though I’ve been here before, I’m seeing the town of Maywood and the Chicagoland area in an entirely new light. The Lord is breaking my heart for these people in an entirely new way, and laying such a burden on my heart for North American church planting. As you pray this week, ask the Lord to reveal his role for me in this incredibly daunting task. I look forward to sharing more from a computer keyboard…it would take hours to give you all the things going through my head.
I’ll keep you posted on Father’s work in Maywood. I’m confident it’s going to be unbelievable.

If God claims to be alive, then you’ve got to start living.

Lecrae, my new obsession

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Cornerstone crew is preparing to ship out to Chicago this morning! I haven’t been in two years, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to get back and be involved in the work the Lord is doing there. If you think of us in the coming week, pray for energy for all of us. I for one am still dragging from camp. I am absolutely certian that I’m going to have to rely on his strength this week, and not my own.

Stay tuned for the incredible work Father has planned to Maywood!!

Oh, and my sister is sitting beside me, and she smells pretty. Thats all.

Monday, July 25, 2011

For Everything There is a Season.

The time to head back to reality has finally arrived. I have never been good at closure as denial is generally my coping method. But for the sake of being sentimental, I decided to have breakfast at Panera one last time. This is the first place I stopped when I arrived in Panama City Beach two month ago. I sat and cried, scared to death of what I had gotten myself into. As I sit in the same seat I did that afternoon and reflect on an incredible summer, I never would have imagined a place like PCB could have such a huge piece of my heart.

I know one thing is certain: “Life-Changing Camps” isn’t just a tag line at Fuge Camps; its a guarantee for anyone who comes with a willing heart. The quiet, uncertian girl that sat in this seat two months ago has been replaced by someone who has found what it means to live boldly for the gospel. I never imagined that I would be comfortable talking to dozens of total strangers each day about casual things, much less sharing my heart for the gospel with them. I have gone from a child who absolutely dreaded Rec as a student, to a bible study leader who jumped and screamed like a crazy woman every single day, and saw this time as vitally important to the unity of her kids. And though two months ago, I was so unsure of my abilities as a bible study leader, I leave knowing that I have no gifts to offer the Lord but my willingness, and it is only his words that will effectively reach my kids.

Most importantly though, I left Lexington as a girl who was terrified of what the future held; a person so caught up in nailing down plans that I surely missed many ways the Lord was working day to day. Today, my future is just as uncertain as it was two months ago (if not more so), but I no longer feel the need to figure it out. As I return home, my only life plan is to stay right in the center of Father’s will. I know it is the only way I will truly be happy and effective. I’m going home a radically different girl.

My heart is full this morning. The Lord met me in Panama City Beach, and walking away feels like I’m leaving part of my life behind. Though I would love to stay and do camp for a few more weeks, I know the Lord’s timing is perfect. His work for me in PCB is done for now; its time to see what he has for me in Lexington. For everything there is a season…

Father, this life is all for you. This day, and everyday.