
Well hey there!

So glad you dropped in! I'm Taylor, a lifelong Kentuckian currently living in the big city of Lexington.

Like any good Kentuckian, I adore UK athletics, though I actually know very little about sports (making me "that girl". Sorry).

I love all aspects of life in the south, including big hair, bigger accents, boots, frying everything I can get my hands on, and sweet tea that would send Paula Deen into a diabetic coma. Porch sitting is an art and everybody's name is sweetie.

My heart belongs totally and completely to Jesus Christ. He's taken me on quite the ride in the last two years, during which I can say with absolute certainty that we finally developed a relationship that is totally our own, which you can read about here.

I adore afternoon naps, but I hate sleeping past 9.

I am thoroughly convinced there is no bad day a stout cup of coffee and a phone call to Mama can't fix.

I hate pictures of myself, especially alone, so you probably won't be seeing many of those. Unless I'm making stupid faces, which I'm awesome at. My fish face is kind of epic.

I have been a Republican since I was in Kindergarten, when I told my entire class that they could not vote for Bill Clinton because he said it was OK to kill babies. True story (just ask my Mom...she had to field that phone call from my teacher). Does that offend you? You're probably in the wrong place. My mouth often gets me in trouble.

I try not to get into politics too much here, except for that one time.

About Tay in Real Life

Tay in Real Life gets its name from one of my favorite expressions to shout in frustration (which happens pretty often). Other expressions shouted in times of crisis are probably not appropriate here. Whoops.

TIRL was born two summers ago as a way to keep my family and friends up to date on my life as a FUGE Camps staffer in Panama City Beach. At the encouragement of a few awesome friends who actually read this junk, I continued to write during the nine months between camp, and have since grown quite fond of this little space. I don't know that anyone but my mom still reads, but I'm ok with that. This is first an foremost something I do for myself.

At a certain point, I had to leave camp and all its precious memories behind and take a grown-up job. Last Fall, I worked in Jacksonville, FL where I spent every moment of my life trying to make Mitt Romney the next President of the United States. Though it didn't end as I hoped, I was hooked. I returned to the bluegrass to finish undergrad and in May 2013, I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a teaching degree that I will likely never use. Now I'm back on the campaign trail and I love (almost) every second of it.

Here, you will find stories of my day to day adventures as well as things the Lord is teaching me through scripture. Occasionally I'll throw in some random things as well. Blame my mother for never having me tested for ADHD.