Friday, September 28, 2012

Three Cheers for Friday!!

I still don't know why Friday is so much fun. I have to get up at 6:30 to work in Daytona Beach tomorrow. Blah.

Alas, adulthood will not steal my joy. Friday still has a little bit of magic, even if the weekend is still 24 hours away.

1. Today, I finished the first season of my newest obsession (read: total time suck) that is Pretty Little Liars. How did I miss out for so long?? Maybe because I haven't turned on a TV in years (only a mild exaggeration, I swear). Laaaaame. Anyway, I cannot get enough of pseudo soap opera. Its like a tamer version of Criminal Minds, and doesn't leave me hiding under the covers at the end of the night. Sometimes, anyway.

If you have any productivity left in you, for pete's sake DON'T DO IT. But if you're lame like me, I would highly recommend picking up the first season, like, yesterday.  Three cheers for junk TV!!!

2. This morning, my sweet Mama sent me a 40% of your entire purchase coupon for Ann Taylor Loft. My heart was happy, until I realized I just put myself on a budget not even 24 hours ago.  But guess what sweet friends...I refrained. I didn't set foot in the heaven on earth that is the Loft. This is a feat and a half for me. Three Cheers for fiscal responsibility!!

3.  This one is the best of all. I got the most epic phone call of my life yesterday from my former bunk mate, a one miss Sarah Hiser.


Yes people, I swear I have friends. They're passing through Jax on Sunday and they are all mine for the day. More to come on this one, but I can't even wait for them to get here.

Three cheers for human contact. Three cheers for sweet mohawks. Three cheers for the Lord's tender way of blessing the snot out of his babies with little things like love from home.

Somewhere Before Contented Peace

Its about time I write something that doesn't include Mitt Romney's name (the first sentence doesn't count, right?)

I'm up late again, and I've been thumbing through old photos. Summer 2011 is my happy place. Its no surprise I landed there on a night like this; a night I can't help but feel something is missing. Maybe its the loneliness talking. Too many nights spent cleaning one's apartment in a strange city can quickly lead to some unwanted soul searching.

Why was I so happy then? That question is answered before I finish writing it. Summer 2011 was a summer spent in total harmony with Father's will, in the company of believers who loved and encouraged me in a way I had never experienced. It was a summer of pouring out, of loving on strangers as though they were my own children (I don't refer to my students as "my babies" for nothing). It was a summer of healing; a summer of falling in love with a King who had pursued my heart for so long. This isn't a major newsflash. Anyone who has kept up with my journey knows exactly what went down that summer.

I suppose the better question is why I keep looking back; why am I searching for that feeling that overwhelmed my heart just a year ago? How do I find myself in the midst of my dream, yet looking back on a sleepless summer full of sweat, tears and breaking?

There's a question I don't have an answer for. I can tell you this though...I SO miss ministry. Don't think I'm wishing my time in this world away. My heart is just longing for something deeper.

Something like this day. I can't tell you how long I fought these kids to accomplish this task. Lap sit was a simple filler game, but I never anticipated the conflict it would bring. Students were uncomfortable with the idea of sitting on a stranger's lap, if only for the sake of a trust exercise.I should have known better...middle schoolers:)

After quite the stern lecture on maturity from yours truly (not my finest hour), I asked students who weren't mature enough to participate to step out and encourage those who were willing to give the exercise a go. Needless to say, they all participated, and they did it!! In a circle, my students sat on the lap of the person behind them, while providing a seat to the person in front of them. I don't know much about physics, but I do know that the weight is supported by the entire group easily. Below, you'll see my babies sitting in a circle for the entirety of "Jesus Loves Me". The interpretive dance was my doing. Grin.

Where does this feeling come from? Is it the high of camp, or simply the peace of doing life the way it was meant to be lived, smack in the middle of Father's will? I don't know where that contentment comes from, but believe you me, I'm searching furiously. Any directions would be greatly appreciated...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

There's No Place Like Home...

I never though I would consider any place but Winchester, KY my home. In most ways, it remains home to me, but at the end of my South Florida adventure, I told one of my chapter chairman I was headed back "home", referring, of course, to Jacksonville. I was a little shocked to hear such a thing out of my own mouth. But as soon as I walked through the door of my one bedroom apartment and settled into my bed for a post road trip nap, I was overwhelmed with that comforting familiarity of being home. It may not be Winchester, but I'm finding a little piece of home in Jacksonville, and I can't thank the Lord enough for that sense of peace that I know could only have come from him. Father loves to spoil his girls like that:)

Speaking of being spoiled, his hand was ALL OVER this trip. I've picked up at least 4 awesome new chapters this week, and I'm super excited to work with Chairman who are VERY enthusiastic about Operation Red November. There were a few downsides, though. I've now learned exactly why I wasn't placed in Miami: I'm blonde, and the only Spanish word I know is "taco" (my mother would argue this point).

The chapters in Miami treated me like a princess; quite honestly I think they were under the impression I am wayyyy more important than I actually am. Far be it from me to break that news. Grin.

They scored me a ticket to the Univision Forum at the University of Miami. If you aren't familiar with Univision (which I wasn't until Wednesday night), they are kind of the MSNBC of the Latino community. I'm told Mitt was hit with some pretty tough questions (none of which I followed, as they were asked in Spanish. Once again, I kick myself for not taking it in High School. Sorry Mom.), but I was totally impressed with his answers, particularly when it came to doubt a tough subject with this community.

On Thursday, I got to speak at the Florida International University CR General Meeting. For a strongly left leaning community, I was extremely impressed by the turnout. Check out these awesome FIU CRs: 

Florida International University College Republican General Meeting

So now I'm back in Jax, soaking up the next 12 hours worth of time off. I can;t complain though; I count myself unbelievably lucky to have a job doing something I love so, so much. My evening looks a little something like this:

I've given into the PLL hype, with Southern Living and my favorite hot tea to boot.

Michael Buble Pandora. Swoon.

At first glance, I have all the makings of a romantic evening...alone. I ain't mad at it.

Precious friends, I'm off to check out the hype that is Pretty Little Liars. Until next time...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Going Rogue

Well friends, things just got real interesting down here in Jax.

Its complicated. I really should keep my mouth shut on this one. Shocker...I really can do that when absolutely necessary. Grin.

All you need to know is that I had an Elle Woods in a bunny suit on a treadmill moment a few nights ago. If you're confused, allow me to refresh your memory.

Back off silly boys who think blonde hair means zero brain capacity. Mama is going rogue. Starting early tomorrow morning, I'm pulling out of my driveway and hitting every College Republican chapter on the east coast from Jacksonville to Miami.

Being 20 something and on the road is everything I hoped it would be. This is about to get interesting, ladies. I'll keep you posted;)

Monday, September 17, 2012

I do not know what to do, but my eyes are on You

I missed the party. My girl Beth Moore did an online simulcast on Saturday, and because of stinkin adulthood, I didn't make it. Evidently I missed a real good one.

Beth's blog is the only blog I check religiously (you should too. Find it here). I think I stalk her just a tad...its borderline unhealthy. But seriously, have you seen her hair?? Its a mile high. I can only dream of achieving such volume.

Yet, I digress. I logged on this evening to see what Miss Beth has been up to, hoping to find a recap of the event I missed. Did I ever find what I was looking for, and then some! Beth posted a followup book of sorts. A collection of scriptures dealing with the crippling stronghold of fear.

I definitely should have attended this one.

You see, its been a tough week here in Jax. The Lord has done a lot of humbling in this little heart, and let me just say that process never gets any more enjoyable. It sucks. Especially when the humbling comes from those you think know far less than you. Especially when you think you've been doing a bang up job.

Girlfriend, that's what you get for thinking.

Anyhow, when I stumbled across this little gem of a book, I skimmed its contents, saving most for later, but looking for something in particular that might really speak to me tonight. What my Mama keeps reminding me is so very true, girls: When you ask, Father never withholds in the wisdom department (James 1:5-8).

I asked the question a week ago today, not knowing what the coming day would bring. As I recounted my day to the Lord in my journal, I asked him very pointedly, "Was I not supposed to fight this battle myself?" I didn't even get the entire sentence on the page before I heard the answer so very clearly:

The LORD will fight for you; Hold your peace. -Exodus 14:14
Thanks to my precious Aunt who once doubled as my sunday school teacher, I committed this verse to memory, and it has long since been one of my very favorites. It served as a fitting answer to my rather silly question. Of course I wasn't supposed to stand up and fight that one. I'm never meant to fight my own battles. My warrior King has me covered on every front.

So when I stumbled across a passage 2 Chronicles, I heard Father reaffirm his answer in a beautiful way.
You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the
salvation of the LORD. He is with you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid
or discouraged. Tomorrow, go out to face them, for Yahweh is with you.’”
-2 Chronicles 20:17
Have you ever heard the phrase "jumpin' Jehoshaphat"? I still don't know what it means, but it gets it's name from this guy. My boy Jey was the King of Judah during a time when they were scuffling with the neighboring country of Moab. King Jey knew the time would come that he had to face his enemies, and lets just say the man knew that when the day arrived, they were going to get their tails handed to them. That is, of course, if they fought that battle alone.

King Jey knew better though. He called on the nation of Judah and together, they fell on their faces and worshiped the Almighty. They admitted their weakness, and they sought his direction. You know how it ended? Not a single living Moabite, and so much loot it took 3 days for the men of Judah to collect it all.

My battle is much smaller, but I'm not sure I'm any less terrified than the army of Judah. Centuries later, the command is remains the same. Go face them. Do it tomorrow. Don't waste a single moment. Yahweh is with you, sweet child.

If you're thinking of me tomorrow and you happen to be the praying kind, ask Father to fill me with more courage than I could ever imagine. Pray for wisdom far beyond my 21 years. Pray for softened hearts for those I must confront.

I'm entering confused and helpless, but my battle cry is that of the army of Judah: "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are fixed on you." -2 Chronicles 20:12

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Day Off...

Such a rarity in this field. Days off don't come frequently, and when they do, girl you better cherish it. Today was only partially a day off. Given the holiday (if you can call it that...seems much too positive for such a sad event), Boston asked us to put all campaign activities on hold and instead, devote ourselves to a service project. UNF decided on a food drive for donations to the USO.

There was only one teenisey-weenisey little problem.

I didn't get this memo til 2pm Monday. The pesky thing about a food drive is people can't really donate if they don't know your drive is happening. Obviously, an email blast at 4pm wasn't super effective. To make a long story short, my solution was this:

Yep. $150 dropped at Walmart in SunnyD and granola bars. When the check out man asked which Army I was feeding with all my purchases, I proudly responded "The United States Army, sir." Grin.

Our boys are coming home a little heavier than they left. I hope they are ok with that.

After all was said and done, the future FLOTUS met us at our Manderin office to help sort our items into individual gift bags. One heck of a woman, that Ann Romney.

We also did a little decorating around the UNF student Union today. We weren't able to pull off the flag display most campuses do, so we opted for deco mesh bows instead (and by we, I mean me. Come on now, I'm the lone girl in an office full of men). For a first attempt, I think they turned out pretty awesome.

It didn't hurt that I had a fabulous team helping me assemble all 30 bows at the office last night (read, a 6 year old and two guys I practically begged to join in). Never a dull moment at the Duval Co. Headquarters.

All in all, I'll call it another good day here in Jax-city (Did I just make that up? I think so). Hearts are certainly heavy, but I'm reminded our Father takes broken things and makes them incredibly beautiful, even if its as simple as a pack of cheese crackers and a bottle of Welches.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dates with My Daddy

I remember the exact moment the image struck me; an image that totally wrecked my view of time spent with Father.

My first semester of college, I spent every Friday afternoon in the Starbucks in the UK student center. I took my Bible along, ordered a venti hot mocha, and curled into the arm chair in the far corner for some time in the word. One October Friday, just before my nineteenth birthday, I sent a quick text to my roommate to let her know I was heading into another "coffee date" with Father, and that I would be unreachable for the next couple of hours. It was in that moment that it hit me: the image of a kind old man nestled into the chair beside me, a steaming cup of coffee clutched in his wrinkled hand, smiling as he waited to listen to the million things running through my head.

A real, actual date, with a real, actual person.

Don't misunderstand my experience. I don't claim that this was some kind of "vision" (nor do I believe God looks like a 95 year old guy), but I'm a very visual learner. This was more of a lesson taught in a way I could really understand. The realization that time spent in the word is meant to be a time of conversation between two people. A time to listen, and a time to share. A time of getting to know one another; the deepening of a relationship, and the strengthening of a love.

Its changed the way I do "quiet times" now. I often return to this image, a reminder that when I open the pages of my well loved (i.e. hanging on by a thread) pink Bible, Father joins me. We enter into conversation. We hang out. In my head, the empty chair across from me is always reserved for him (now you think I'm downright crazy). Time in the scripture was never meant to be a solo chore; if approached this way, there is really no sense in doing it at all.

Father and I had great date tonight. I finally cracked open my copy of Beth Moore's "James" study, and its already challenging the way I study the word. Part of this study involved memorizing James.

That's right. The whole thing.

Crazy as it sounds, I'm giving it a go. I spent this evening at the Starbucks down the road from my apartment copying the first chapter by hand. If you've never tried this exercise, I highly recommend it. Rewriting a passage of scripture forces you to read every single word. I find that it really makes me slow down and chew on what I'm reading, instead of letting my ADD take control and blowing through the passage too fast to meditate on its meaning.

Would you like to join me? We could hold each other accountable! It could be so much fun. You can pick up a copy of Beth Moore's "James: Mercy Triumphs" at your local lifeway store or, order one here.

Another perk of date night? My new favorite fall treat, a salted caramel mocha. I don't even like caramel, but this thing is the bomb dot com.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

3 Reasons Today was Fabulous

Shoot, girls. It has been one heck of a day! I mean this in the best of ways, but my goodness I am exhausted. Here are 3 reasons my day was absolutely grand:

1. Super Saturday was today and my CR's showed up in full force! SS is a monthly, nationwide Get Out The Vote effort sponsored by the RNC during which victory centers pack out their offices with volunteers in attempt to make as many live voter contacts as possible. I had 20 CRs attend total, including two who stuck it out for the entire 12 hours! This is the kind of drive and dedication that will swing Florida in our favor come Nov. 6.

2. Guess who finally secured a Chairman for a start up chapter at Flagler College? This girl!! I've been trying to get on their campus for nearly 3 weeks with absolutely ZERO luck. When a sweet English major named Ashli called me today and said she would love to spearhead the effort, I nearly jumped for joy in the office parking lot in my four inch heels. This is probably one of the more exciting moments I've had so far. Three Cheers for an awesome intern who got me the hook up!

3. I'm now enjoying a hot cup of tea in my PJs while lounging on my porch. Is there any better way to unwind from a 14 hour work day than listening to fish leaping in the pond on a clear summer night? If you said there was, I probably wouldn't believe you. Father loves on me with evenings like this...

Tomorrow couldn't be a better day to have off. I can't wait to sleep late, enjoy coffee on the porch, and not think about working for a single second. I love my job, but hey, everybody needs some time off:) Fingers crossed for great pool weather!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm still here.

Oh sweet friends, its been a while.

I suppose the updates haven't been on my mind as of late. August was a whirlwind, to say the least. I touched down in every single state in the SEC (Plus D.C.) in the span of 2 weeks, and a week later, found myself in a new home in Jacksonville, FL. I suppose I just can't stay away from the coast.

After camp, I made the trip home and spent a lovely two weeks with my family and the best girlfriends (Plus Brian) in the entire world. Goodness I missed these guys. There is something to be said for the friends you can be totally comfortable around; those who will go in public with you in janky clothes, lay by the pool and plan your non-existant weddings with, and those you can talk politics with as though your opinion actually matters. What a soul refresher it was. Sigh...

So here I am. My first big girl job is underway. I suppose I ought to be a little more intimidated than I am. After all, I'm a part (albiet, a rather small, bottom of the totem pole, insignificant part) of one of the most critical presidential races in modern history. I'm in a very large, very unfamiliar town. I'm living completely alone for the first time in my life. Its often quiet...luckily, I'm quite the introvert. Maybe I'm better suited for this lifestyle than I knew.

I'm happy though. I'm 21 years old (22 a month from today!), and I'm in a field I absolutely adore. Just a week ago, I came face to face with Mitt Romney. I didn't even step on his toe this time...another story for another day. I work with college students and spend my days in a fast paced office run by some truly passionate, awesome people. At the end of the day, I'm being paid to do the things I did for fun in college. What more could a girl possible ask for?

Disclaimer: No toes were harmed in the taking of this photograph.
I'm tired, but I'm content. The Lord is here. I feel him constantly. Fully. I suppose his presence is what drives out the fear that should be here. He has called me here, for such a time as this. What a grand thought it is!