Monday, July 23, 2012


Week 8.

Go Hard, then Go Home, right?

I'm not feeling it. Today, I need a good cup of coffee and a good cry. I need my bed and my momma. I need my feet to stop aching and my mind to stop racing.

What happened to the joy?

Oh, I'm just not feeling it. Pray that this week gets better. Pray it passes quickly.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Awesome and the Not So Awesome

You know how people always ask if you want the good news or the bad news first? Well I'm making an executive decision and going with the good news first.

The Awesome:

Today was the first time I taught Tough Questions and didn't want to shoot myself when it was over. Actually, today was one of my favorite days of teaching ever. Before I teach, I always pray for the Lord to fill me with himself and speak through me. Most of the time, I second guess myself though. I'm never totally confident I'm letting him take the lead, especially when my thoughts are jumbled and nothing comes out the way I want it to.

Not today. I have never been more confident the words said today were not my own. The Holy Spirit showed up and boy, did he ever bring the gospel. Its going to be a great group is the perfect size and they all seem engaged. They asked some pretty great questions too, except for one middle school boy. Anybody want to field this question?

If you can't read the handwriting, it says, "What does the verse mean that says you should stone your wife if she is not a virgin? Is it wrong?"

I don't know kid, but I'm positive you don't have a wife, so how about we don't worry about that one?

The Not So Awesome:

Turns out the cold I've been fighting for the last several days is actually walking pneumonia. Honestly, I think it sounds way more intense than it actually is. I had to go to urgent treatment this evening, and since I hate the doctor, I had to find some way to lighten the mood while I waited. In the process, I think I've found the cure for a runny nose. Exhibit A:

Call NASA...I'm a genius.

Honestly, I think it sounds way more intense than it actually is. Regardless, I have been sentenced to bed rest while everyone else does camp. So far I've found little to do with myself. I'll be stir crazy in T-24 hours.

Sooooo...if you're praying, there's a new one. I'm fine, I swear. But if you want to send cookies, I guess that's ok too:)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Love From Home and A Few Requests

Hello again!!

Its a great day to be in PCB, first because week 6 is kicking off as we speak! I'm hanging out in the Registration room at the moment, and almost all of our churches have already arrived...PTL for early registration days!

The second and most important reason its a great day is because I GOT MAIL!!! I receive mail on occasion, but when a letter arrives addressed to Claudia Taylor, I know its about to get good, because it probably came from my family (they're the only people who call me that, and I secretly love it. I suppose its not a secret anymore though). This one was extra special...a handwritten letter from one of my favorite men on the entire planet. Thanks, Papa. You brightened my day more than you know.

Now that I'm off to such a fabulous start, I'm really looking forward to an awesome week. Can you believe there are only three to go? Me neither. As you are doing whatever you do day to day, I hope you will lift up a few things for us down in the Panhandle:

1. Due to low numbers, our staff has begun to head home for the summer. This morning we lost two lovely ladies...they were such a huge asset to our team and will be sorely missed. Please pray that transitions will be smooth; both for us at PCB as we learn to do camp without them, and for Miriam and Brooke as they make the sometimes difficult transition back to "real life".

2. I'm tackling "Tough Questions" track again this week. In this track, students ask some of their most difficult questions about the christian faith, such as why God allows suffering and whether or not absolute truth exists. Its fun to delve into these topics, but they can get hairy. The first attempt was less than ideal on my part. Pray the Lord would bring students with good questions and teachable hearts. Please pray he would daily fill me with HIS words and HIS answers, and that I would be completely dependent on him in my teaching. Pray that I will be diligent in all my preparations.

3. Pray for joy and energy for our staff. Week 6 is when you really begin to realize how tired you are, and for many of us (namely, me), its the point when illness sets in. Ask the Lord to multiply our sleep and give us the energy to push through and give students all we have as though we were as rested as we began on Week 1.

You're prayers are so precious to me. Please let me know how I can pray for you too. I would love nothing more than to be lifting you up this week!!

The iPhone Dump: A Recap of Weeks 4 & 5

Why, Hello There!

I've missed you something terrible! Its been a wild couple of weeks here in PCB, and I simply haven't made the time to keep you up to date...silly me:) I did manage to snap a couple pictures though, and I would just LOVE to share them with you!

1. Staff Appreciation Dinner was last Sunday night. This is the one night of the summer we all put on something besides a staff t shirt, fix our hair, and hit the town for a great meal courtesy of Lifeway. This was taken after dinner with my partner in office crime and beautiful DD (that's development director, not designated driver. Those aren't Lifeway-approved activities). I think she looks like Carrie Underwood. Totally jealous.

2. When things get crazy, I tend to push cleaning to the back of my mind. Think its time to tackle my corner of the office?

3. For the second time in my whole life, my team actually won mega relay. This is not something to brag about, as the opposing team boasted a median age of 50. Given my record, I'll take it. #supernovaswag

4. When it comes time to open the store, we tend to hit the sleep drunk stage and begin participating in ridiculous and often unsafe activities like climbing on shoulders to open the store windows. At least we have a great team of spotters. Spoons not forks!!

5. The Fourth of July was done big in PCB. The Rec team (plus katie and myself) all decked out in our very best patriotic attire. Picture left to right are Redneck Katie, Florist with an American Flag on his face, Captain America, The Statue of Liberty, and Miss America.

6. A favorite christmas week tradition is called "Pimp My Mega", during which one must wear whatever costume their Secret Santa picks for them. Katie is a cupcake...her costume was the cutest, hands down.

7. Congrats to Miss Burrows, brand new fifth grade teacher!! We celebrated Brooke's first  big girl job with a super yummy german chocolate cake during paper party.

8. Wednesdays are my favorite night, because this is the night Dave lets me wear the headset and sit in the sound booth. The only problem is that Wednesday is also Secret agent costume night. Luckily, Gracie Lou Freebush can wear her headset over her tiara.

9. Katie and Florist rocking the drums during indoor rainy day rec rally.

10. This will be one of my favorite camp stories in history. Last Thursday, we received a letter in the mail from a recent high school graduate and a week 4 camper. During his week at camp, the Lord called him to Africa as a missionary. Enclosed in his letter was a personal check for $700 which he requested be added to the weekly missions offering. $700 dollars is a HUGE amount of money for a high school student (heck, its a huge amount of money for me). This is one of the most radical displays of obedience I have ever witnessed and has really challenged me to reevaluate my own giving.

11. Remember that one time I co-taught College Bible study with Katie and Forrest?? So. Much. Fun. This was our rec rotation for the week with a hilarious note from our rec director. We're kinda obsessed with each other.

12. Ahhhh...closing celebration. Poor Katie fell asleep sitting up while on the headset. She SWEARS she was just praying...

13. Week 4 College group was INCREDIBLE. It was so encouraging to pour into these men and women who brought their students to camp expecting to pour into them all week. I hope they were half as blessed by our time together as I was. I'm so jealous of what they get to do every single day.

That concludes my week(s) review. Week 6 kicks off bright and early...I'll be posting a list of ways you can be praying, so be sure to check in.

I love y'all to pieces.