Friday, January 3, 2014

Stranded at the Drive In...

Try telling me you didn't sing the rest of that. I won't believe you.

I'm not actually stranded at a drive in. I am, however, stranded in Teays Landing, WV. Oh, the irony. Long story short, it came a blizzard while I was returning from a brief stint in DC, and given my track record with driving in winter weather (alright, driving in general), I couldn't risk it. I holed up in a Holiday Inn off the interstate, had a swanky steak dinner for one, and have settled into a pretty sweet king sized bed. It could be worse...

There are lots of things I'd like to share, but I'll save that for later. Right now, I would like to share an exciting surprise with you guys.

Thanks to the generosity of B&H Publishers, from now until January 10th, you can download most of Beth Moore's books to your e-reader of choice at no cost.

That's right ladies.
Endless Beth, for free. (Did you read that in a Rebel-Wilson-in-Bridesmaids voice? Because thats how I wrote it.)

Check out my iBooks library right now...totally stocked.

If you've never read Beth, you're missing out on some of the most sound Biblical teaching I've encountered in this life. The woman is anointed, plain and simple. For a Beth newbie, I HIGHLY recommend Breaking Free. The Lord used it to bring powerful healing to my life 3 years ago. Personally, I'm looking forward to starting the year with When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. At this point in my life, I can relate to the title alone all too well. How's that for transparency, girls? Grin.

I suppose its about time I turned out the lights and rested up for the second leg of my journey home. Fingers crossed I can get out of here tomorrow. Fingers double crossed I can sleep through the sounds of a man sawing logs in the next room. Can't make this stuff up, folks...

I don't want to give too many secrets away, but check back here soon. You should be seeing a lot more out of me in the coming year.

Sleep tight, my friends.


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