Saturday, June 23, 2012

iPhone Dump: Week 3 in Review

Happy Saturday, friends! There is no one on earth who is more happy for this day to have arrived than yours truly. I've been fighting a nasty head cold all week that has left me talking like a man and keeping my roommates up to all hours of the night with ungodly noises reminiscent of the whooping cough. Needless to say, I'll be spending most of the day in my PJs drinking pots upon pots of folders gourmet roast and catching up on reading for fun (who does that anymore??)

I'd like to start a new weekly tradition to spice things up and give you a really fun look into my week at camp. Most of my updates tend to be heavy; something the Lord is teaching me, specific requests for prayer for my students and team, or a super cool way Father moved during that day. These are undoubtedly my favorite stories to share, but I'm sure you guys would enjoy something a little more lighthearted every now and then. In light of this, I have come up with a genius solution: The iPhone Dump. Every Friday, I'll clean out all the pictures I've taken on my handy iPhone so you can get in on some of these random, fun, and totally pointless parts of my week. Sound like fun? Yayyy!!!

Now friends, I present to you PCB Fuge Week 3!

1. Hanging out with my sweet friend, staff Video Producer, annnnnnd world class bass play, Gage LeGreca.

2. This is my friend Robert, who happens to have a really sweet South African accent. Totally jealous. Here, Robert is teaching a 7th grader the science behind the glow stick he just sold to said student. Upon seeing the glow stick, Robert, who is always exceptionally happy, exclaimed "Glow sticks are my very favorite thing!" When I mentioned that everything is Robert's favorite, he replied in a very serious voice, "Oh no, Mama Tay. I really do love them. Not a day goes by I don't wish I had a glow stick." I suppose you would have had to be there...

3.Another week of beginning Mega Relay with the National Anthem (courtesy of Zack Doyle on the trumpet). This never, ever gets old.

4. A few of Julie's students "tebowing" before running the 7th and 8th grade Mega heat. Too funny.

5. A student gave this to me in the store. He was serious.

6. I hope you recognize this precious face. Ellen's mom sent this to me yesterday, along with some exciting news: ITS A GIRL!!! Ellen will be a big sister come November. I can't believe I won't be meeting the new baby. Sigh...

7. A $50 from the missions offering this week, which totaled a whopping $4,507 for missionaries in Sub Saharan Africa. This bill touched my heart, not because it was defaced (with the best of intentions, I'm sure), but because it was given by a middle school student. $50 bucks is a ton of money to a 13 year old. Kudos to the Bible Study leader that drove home sacrificial giving.

8. The name is spreading. Students all over campus seem to believe that my name is "Mama Tay". I'll take that over "gullywasher" any day of the week.


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