Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Don't Waste Your Life.

They always told me that camp would prepare me to pull all nighters in college...I never expected it to happen the other way around.

Its currently 2am. I just returned from Walmart, and I have about two hours of work ahead of me to prepare for tomorrow. I have a lesson to outline and Rec games still to learn. At 6:30, it will be time to wake up and prepare for the first full day of camp. If you're not doing the math, I'm looking at about 2.5 hours of sleep tonight.

Mama Tay likes her sleep.

Normally, I'd be stressed and furious over this situation. I won't say I'm not stressed...I'm freaking out in my head. But thanks to my good friend Lecrae, I got a little perspective tonight. I put his album on while driving home from Walmart. That, along with one very large Redbull, was my attempt to keep myself going. My current favorite Lecrae song is "Don't Waste Your Life". I'm in the process of learning it in its entirety; it is so full of truth that I can't help but get fired up while listening to it. Tonight, a line in the 3rd verse really struck a chord with me:

Here's my gifts and time, cuz I'm constantly trying to be used to praise the Christ. 
Similar words cover the walls of my friend Denae's Bible Study room. The top of her missions wall reads "Our time is not our own..." in large block letters. Its a powerful statement, really. My time here isn't my own. I'm tired, but is it better to be exhausted and pouring myself out, glorifying Father in the process, or to be well rested yet totally ineffective.

On the first of many sleepless nights at camp, I'm reminded that my time isn't mine. Its given to me only to show the world that Christ is divine. I've got 20 11th and 12th graders coming to class tomorrow expecting a word from the Lord, and I want him to use me. I'm going in guns blazing. If that means I don't get any sleep tonight...whatever.

I sure could use your prayers.



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