Monday, May 14, 2012


You know that phenomenal feeling you get when you come home after an unbelievably stressful day and put on your very favorite sweatpants? You know, the ones that are 3 shades lighter than when you first bought them and probably have a couple of holes in the hem because they're just a little too long (or is that just my problem??) Its that feeling of being ease...totally and completely at peace. That is how I feel right now.

I didn't just put on my worn out Fuge sweats though. Instead, I have a fresh cup of coffee and I've just sunk myself into my favorite booth at Panera Bread in Panama City. I'm FINALLY back. Goodness gracious, there have been times in the last few months that I thought this moment would never arrive. I feel so content to be in a familiar place where the Lord and I convened over hot coffee so many times last summer.

This morning, I said goodbye to my precious family. They are on vacation in Clearwater this week, and I got to spend a couple days relaxing with them before it was time to make my way to PCB. Before I hit the road about 9 this morning, my whole family gathered in the living room of the condo to pray over me. I wish I could have snapped a photo to share with you...what a precious sight it was! I'm continually reminded how crazy blessed I am to have a family that wholeheartedly supports this ministry. They're my own little army of prayer warriors.

As I made the 7 hour trip to the panhandle in the silence of my little jeep (silence is painful for me, as I'm sure you know), I couldn't help but wonder...Would you like to join them?

I once heard it said that not all of us are called to full-time ministry, but we are ALL called to ministry in some kind. There's a good chance most of you aren't able to drop everything and do camp for a summer (though I SO wish you could). You may be a nurse, an accountant, or a McDonald's drive-thru worker. Whatever you do, you are so very necessary (especially you McDonald's guys...I can't live without my $1 sweet tea), and while you do whatever Father has called you too, you are still very much able to be involved in ministry. I have a simple request of those who desire to come aboard: Join the army of those interceding on behalf of the PCB Fuge team this summer. We desperately, desperately covet your prayers as Father stretches us beyond belief while we love on camp babies (who are actually teenagers) and testify to the gospel of the grace of which we are all partakers.

I'll do my best to update you frequently. For now, here are a few requests you can take to our Father:

1. JOY. The 6 members of our leadership staff are arriving today, along with our coordinator, Mark, and we will be setting up camp for the rest of the staff to arrive. Its a mundane task, but one that must be done. Over the next few days, pray that God will give us joy as we prepare to get down to the good stuff.

2. Quick Friendships. Its scary walking into a group of strangers, and though there is comfort in knowing we share the same passion for the gospel, the "newness" can be awkward and intimidating (again, that could just be my own weirdness). Pray our team will bond quickly as we prepare to serve in unity.

3. Teachable hearts. Most of us are coming to camp to teach. Being teachers, we often forget to that we too are still learning. Pray our hearts would be mailable; that we would willingly serve as student teachers this summer. Our ministry will certainly suffer if we aren't growing daily ourselves.

Its time for me to run. I have 6 minutes until I'm officially late:) I'm so, so grateful you are joining me in this. I'll keep you posted on what Father is up to down here. I can't wait to see!!

Love you all!!!


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