Thursday, October 11, 2012

22 Lessons from 22

I've never been the birthday kind.

They're a hassle and a pain in my opinion. Plus, I hate fall (don't judge me), and since my birthday falls smack in the middle of my least favorite season, I'm not usually anxious for the time to come. My 22nd birthday came this past Monday, and for the first time in my life, I enjoyed the heck out of it.

Mom and Duane surprised me by flying in to spend it with me. We went shopping, ate Japanese, and smoked cigars (man points!). Mostly, the company of loving, familiar faces made the day special. It meant more than I can say to know they were willing to do something so extravagant for me. My heart sings at the thought.

Since I'm in a celebratory mood, I though I would share 22 life lessons I have learned by age 22. Enjoy!

1. There is no church, no pastor, no book that can substitute for daily time spent in the Bible and in prayer. Time spent with Father is the only thing in life that satisfies.
2. Mamas and sisters make the best friends.
3. Make the effort to verbally encourage others every chance you get. Everyone needs to know they are valued and appreciated.
4. Show grace. You never know when you'll need someone to do the same for you..
5. Some people may do nothing but hurt you. If they are in your life for no other reason than to teach you how to forgive, they are valuable.
6. Father radically loves his children the same, whether billionaire, muslim, homeless, gay, straight, pastor, or crack addict. You are no more or less valuable in his eyes than the next.
7. Pray more than you complain.
8. Fight insecurity by daily reminding yourself of your worth in Christ's eyes (Song of Solomon 7:10). Preach the gospel to yourself.
9.God's wrath was completely satisfied in the shed blood of Christ. Stop clinging to your guilt. The cross was enough.
10. The best memories are spontaneous.
11. Fortune favors the brave.
12. The girl worth having waits for no one. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
13. You can't truly fathom grace until you've experienced it.
14. There is no substitute for your own personal testimony of the love of Christ.
15. Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise regularly, take vitamins daily, break down and see a doctor when necessary.
16. Asking for help breeds humility.
17. You never need a "good excuse" to wear cowboy boots.
18. Be brave enough to share your mistakes, your faults, and your stories. Someone may need to hear them, and it just might make them brave too. (Thanks, Liz)
19. Phone calls are better than text messages. Make time to call your those you love, especially your grandparents.
20. Don't waste time comparing yourself to others. The only useful comparison is to the person you used to be.
21. Family doesn't stop at blood relatives. Father redeems broken things. (Love you, Duane)
22. Whatever you do, do it passionately.


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