Friday, September 9, 2011

My apologies in advance…In case you didn’t notice, its 3 am. I’m tired, so this probably sounds like nothing but rambling. Bear with me…its been on my heart tonight.

I’ve had some interesting conversations since I’ve been home. I don’t know if they’ve appeared suddenly, or if the Lord has put them in my way all along and I simply wasn’t looking. I’m talking about difficult, uncomfortable conversations. Blatant opportunities to share the gospel with those I am closest too; people whose opinions of me could be drastically changed by this message of hope we’ve been entrusted with.

A few weeks ago I sat down with a friend and somehow, our conversation turned to our childhoods. Before I knew it, I was all but passing out my testimony to someone I had never had a deep conversation with before. Sharing such intimate details of my life seemed a little more than awkward. This person was struggling with similar circumstances, and though I don’t recall many of the things that were said that night, I do recall stating that I wouldn’t take any of it back because I never would have learned where to find my peace and security. As long as I live, I will never forget the moment this person looked me dead in the eye and asked where I found peace.

My initial reaction? What the heck kind of question is that??

As crazy as it seems to someone like me, I guess it isn’t obvious. But its at times like these that everything I saw in my first 15 years of life actually mean something. I didn’t cry needlessly; I didn’t hurt for nothing. 20 years later, I have the chance to say, “Look at where I was…Look what the Almighty carried me through.”

Job is the pillar of strength under trial in Scripture. In the Old Testament, we read of a man who was stripped of absolutely everything he had.

His Family? Dead. His health? Down the tubes.  His land, money, and livelihood? Gone, gone, and gone.

You know the story; Job clung to the only thing that lasts, and in the end, the Lord restored him. Its could be the single most encouraging testimony I’ve every heard.

I wonder if Job knew that at the time?

I can’t help but wonder if while Job lay alone, writhing in the pain of his sores and seeing no apparent way out, he knew what an encouragement he would be. Did this man know that one day, thousands of years later, a 20 year old girl in Kentucky would find hope in choice to chase the Lord even when it seemed he was no where to be found?

If I can know that someone, somewhere has found an ounce of encouragement in the things I’ve seen, or maybe even caught a glimpse of the gospel, it was worth every second. In the end, the Almighty brought it together for good. He made me stronger, and he taught me to love him more completely.

There is healing. There is peace. Most of all, there is Love.


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