Friday, September 28, 2012

Three Cheers for Friday!!

I still don't know why Friday is so much fun. I have to get up at 6:30 to work in Daytona Beach tomorrow. Blah.

Alas, adulthood will not steal my joy. Friday still has a little bit of magic, even if the weekend is still 24 hours away.

1. Today, I finished the first season of my newest obsession (read: total time suck) that is Pretty Little Liars. How did I miss out for so long?? Maybe because I haven't turned on a TV in years (only a mild exaggeration, I swear). Laaaaame. Anyway, I cannot get enough of pseudo soap opera. Its like a tamer version of Criminal Minds, and doesn't leave me hiding under the covers at the end of the night. Sometimes, anyway.

If you have any productivity left in you, for pete's sake DON'T DO IT. But if you're lame like me, I would highly recommend picking up the first season, like, yesterday.  Three cheers for junk TV!!!

2. This morning, my sweet Mama sent me a 40% of your entire purchase coupon for Ann Taylor Loft. My heart was happy, until I realized I just put myself on a budget not even 24 hours ago.  But guess what sweet friends...I refrained. I didn't set foot in the heaven on earth that is the Loft. This is a feat and a half for me. Three Cheers for fiscal responsibility!!

3.  This one is the best of all. I got the most epic phone call of my life yesterday from my former bunk mate, a one miss Sarah Hiser.


Yes people, I swear I have friends. They're passing through Jax on Sunday and they are all mine for the day. More to come on this one, but I can't even wait for them to get here.

Three cheers for human contact. Three cheers for sweet mohawks. Three cheers for the Lord's tender way of blessing the snot out of his babies with little things like love from home.


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